droidcam multiple
droidcam multiple

*Tousemultiplephones,youcanaddanotherDroidCamOBSsourcetoyourscene.*Tousethesamephoneinmultiplescenes,justaddthesameDroidCamOBS ...,2018年12月10日—Ineedtouse2cellphonesasindependentcamerasliveinobs,butdroidcamonlyaccept1phoneatthetime.It'spossible...

DroidCam. It's possible use 2 or more cellphones as ...

2018年12月10日—Ineedtouse2cellphonesasindependentcamerasliveinobs,butdroidcamonlyaccept1phoneatthetime.It'spossibleuse2ormore ...

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DroidCam OBS Usage

*To use multiple phones, you can add another DroidCam OBS source to your scene. *To use the same phone in multiple scenes, just add the same DroidCam OBS ...

DroidCam. It's possible use 2 or more cellphones as ...

2018年12月10日 — I need to use 2 cellphones as independent cameras live in obs, but droidcam only accept 1 phone at the time. It's possible use 2 or more ...


Can I use multiple phones at the same time? On the Windows client, use the [DroidCam] menu on top and disable “Compact View”. You can connect up to 3 ...

Multi phone streaming set up

2023年11月30日 — I learned with Droid Cam you can set up multiple cameras, so I'm set! This wasn't immediately apparent to me in my research, as Iriun camera ...

OBS and DroidCam, how to use 2 or more cellphones ...

2019年3月11日 — How to link more than one camera into OBS? When We use Droidcam We don't need a video capture hardware, so, it's very important design a ...

Two instances of Droidcam · Issue #90

2020年8月15日 — I can run the droidcam twice and connect to different cell phones, but both instances access the device / dev / video0, and the images are ...


*Tousemultiplephones,youcanaddanotherDroidCamOBSsourcetoyourscene.*Tousethesamephoneinmultiplescenes,justaddthesameDroidCamOBS ...,2018年12月10日—Ineedtouse2cellphonesasindependentcamerasliveinobs,butdroidcamonlyaccept1phoneatthetime.It'spossibleuse2ormore ...,CanIusemultiplephonesatthesametime?OntheWindowsclient,usethe[DroidCam]menuontopanddisable“CompactView”.Youcanconnectupto3 ...,2023年11...